Localisation, adaptation and transcription – despite the fact that the terms do not bear any outward similarity, they can quickly lead to confusion. This is because they all have something to do with language and they are all on offer in many translation agencies.

1. In the beginning there was the word...

It’s easy in English – we use the personal pronoun you when addressing someone directly in conversation, irrespective of each other’s status.

Having copy written professionally is an easy way to promote your products and services and share your latest news.

It’s really quite simple – you want some text translated from source language A to target language B within a specific amount of time. Surely that’s all the translator needs to know – or is it?

Have you ever noticed how separate departments within a company often use different terms for the same content? In actual fact, only very few companies use a central repository for their terminology

Chinese languages are among the most commonly used languages in the world. With around 867 million native speakers, the Chinese dialect of Mandarin, also known as Northern Chinese or simply Chinese, is much more widely spoken than English, for example.

We would like to thank you – our clients, suppliers and employees – for your valued custom and great collaboration this year. We look forward to many successful joint projects with you in the coming year.

Who hasn’t heard of them? Google Translate, Skype Translator, Microsoft’s Bing Translator and most recently DeepL, the deep learning machine translator, are on everyone’s lips in the world of translation: in just a few clicks and a couple of seconds, you have an online translation in front of you.

The quality of a translation is difficult to determine for someone who does not speak the language. After all, the reason you hire a professional translator is presumably because you haven’t mastered the foreign language yourself.
Your copy translated perfectly
Having text translated is a matter of trust. Because every word counts. Put your trust in the translation agency intercontact for the very best results. We conform to the ISO 17100 international standard for every translation. This is the international process standard for translation service providers that specifies requirements for all aspects of the translation process, including IT security and IT infrastructure. This means that our customers can always count on controlled processes, high quality standards and maximum IT security.
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