Which languages are longest and have the most words?

Many thanks for your faithful co-operation this year.

When publishing a text that's directed at different readers, one of the first questions should be: is one version enough?

Too much choice can actually make life more difficult. Sifting through a wide range of offers can be confusing, no matter what it is you’re looking for, and it takes time and effort to pick the right option.

Translators are ten a penny. And these days, many people can speak quite good English. In theory, this should make it easy to find a translator for your online shop texts. Yet it is precisely this choice which makes the decision even harder.

This is bound to ring a bell: you regularly send out newsletters with good content and attractive images, but you would like to reach even more customers and increase your newsletters’ success.

It occasionally comes to pass: You are in the middle of an important project and the schedule is tight.

If you want to attract customers from other countries to your website, translation is imperative. If your website is then also localised, nothing stands between you and success.

“What purpose do you have in mind for your text?” You might have heard this question from your translation agency after you have submitted a translation.

An image or symbol speaks for itself and doesn’t require any text to explain it. So if you have your projects translated into a foreign language, you can simply keep the images as they are? Actually maybe not.
Your copy translated perfectly
Having text translated is a matter of trust. Because every word counts. Put your trust in the translation agency intercontact for the very best results. We conform to the ISO 17100 international standard for every translation. This is the international process standard for translation service providers that specifies requirements for all aspects of the translation process, including IT security and IT infrastructure. This means that our customers can always count on controlled processes, high quality standards and maximum IT security.
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