Translation for Takko Fashion
Takko Fashion GmbH puts its trust in intercontact translations
intercontact and the textile discounter Takko have been building a promising cooperation in the area of e-commerce since summer 2021. The focus has been translating the new online shops for the Czech and Slovak markets, as well as ongoing marketing translations for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Further online shops and languages are being planned and will be implemented successively. intercontact’s language services include translating and proofreading short creative copy, such as banners and teasers, as well as translating recurring newsletters and social media content. intercontact can look back on many years of experience in the field of fashion e-commerce and is able to provide Takko with optimal support.
This is Takko Fashion
Takko Holding GmbH offers casual fashion for the whole family in over 1,900 shops and 17 countries. Founded in 1982 in Telgte, Takko sells fashion, lingerie and accessories with excellent value for money. After the discounter’s successful start in Germany, the company was renamed “Takko ModeMarkt GmbH & Co. KG” and began its internationalisation process one year later with its first location outside Germany, in Austria. Their expansion continued over the next few years, establishing numerous locations throughout Europe. Trend-setting moves included their corporate design, which was changed in 2009, a complete relaunch of the branches and the launch of an online shop in 2016.
The reorientation – particularly the entry into online retail – led them to intercontact, when we became a partner to Takko Fashion, supporting the company’s international digital presence.